Our World’s economy

3 min readDec 31, 2023
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Welcome to a world where wars are like pop-up thunderstorms and geopolitics plays hide-and-seek in the dark, the global economy has become the party animal nobody expected.

I mean, just a year ago, everyone was doom-scrolling through predictions of a recession, convinced that high interest rates were about to rain on our economic parade.

But surprise, surprise!

The optimists are scratching their heads as America’s economy throws a third-quarter fiesta, growing at a pace that has even snails jealous.

While the world grapples with crises, inflation is doing the limbo, unemployment is maintaining its svelte figure, and central banks are contemplating an early retirement from monetary tightening. China, dealing with a property crisis, is eyeing a modest stimulus like it’s the last chocolate in the box. But, hold your applause; this economic cheer is on shaky ground.

It’s like trying to build a sandcastle during high tide – enjoyable for a moment, doomed in the long run.

People are gleefully betting that interest rates won’t nosedive, thinking they’ve cracked the code to eternal economic bliss. The European Central Bank and Federal Reserve are holding rates as if they’re guarding the last piece of cake, and the Bank of England is expected to join the party fashionably late. Long-term bond yields are doing gymnastics, making America’s government shell out 5% for a 30-year loan, a far cry from the pandemic’s discount deal.

Janet Yellen and crew argue that these higher rates are a sign of economic robustness, but let’s face it –

it’s like saying a pothole is a speed bump’s way of keeping drivers alert.

The excess savings from pandemic hibernation are the real MVP, but like all good things, they’re running out. When that happens, high interest rates will crash the party, making consumers tighten their belts faster than a post-holiday detox.

Trouble is brewing worldwide as Europe and America witness business bankruptcies doing the Macarena. Even companies with long-term debt are about to face the music with higher financing costs. House prices will play the limbo game, and banks are in a precarious balancing act, trying not to tumble like a Jenga tower hit by an earthquake.

The world’s economic sugar rush, fueled by fiscal largesse, is like binge-eating candy – delightful until you realize you’ve consumed your weight in sugar. According to the IMF, deficits in Britain, France, Italy, and Japan are set to break records. The U.S. deficit is a jaw-dropping $2 trillion, a budgetary bungee jump that leaves accountants clutching their calculators in disbelief.

In this higher-for-longer world, government debts are soaring to heights unseen since folks wore powdered wigs. Low unemployment and excessive borrowing are waltzing hand in hand, and the stage is set for a showdown between governments and inflation-fighting central bankers. Ms. Yellen is already assuring us that Treasuries are as safe as a grandma’s apple pie, and Jerome Powell insists they won’t cut rates to sprinkle inflation-fighting fairy dust on the budget.

As interest bills drain budgets faster than a black hole sucking up stardust, the world economy’s balancing act is looking less like a graceful ballet and more like a chaotic dance-off. Can it achieve recession dodging, low inflation, colossal debts, and sky-high interest rates simultaneously?

It’s like trying to juggle flaming torches while riding a unicycle on a tightrope.

More likely, the higher-for-longer era will collapse under its own weight, bringing economic weakness and letting central bankers cut rates without inflation going bonkers.

But hey, let’s not drown in a sea of pessimism.

There’s a glimmer of hope that productivity will skyrocket, maybe thanks to AI playing the role of economic superhero. If AI turns out to be our economic Iron Man, higher rates might just be a manageable speed bump. Figures suggest America’s productivity did the moonwalk in the third quarter, thanks to AI – the superhero saving the day, or at least the stock markets. Without the rising valuations of tech giants, the S&P 500 would be tap-dancing its way down the charts. So, here’s to hoping AI keeps the economic show going, and we don’t end up with a tragic finale worthy of Shakespearean drama.




Just an Amateur writer. A 21st century Sociologist, Anthropologist, Poet and a good lover.